Friday, December 10, 2010

Beware: Brothers and Sisters WILL steal your candy!!!

This is an early warning if you have brothers or sisters... THEY WILL STILL YOUR CANDY!!! If you have brothers or sisters, make sure you have a good hiding spot for any of your candy.... or tragically, it will be stolen! I have been a victim of the 'brother/sister stealing candy' syndrome, and it's not nice. It only just happened yesterday, my 3 year old brother... 'sniff sniff'... STOLE MY CANDY CANE!!! It is very tragic, sometimes it could be fatal.... So I'm sending this message to you, so that you don't have to be a victim or witness of anything like this... 'sniff sniff'... I WAS SOOO LOOKING FORWARD TO EAT THAT CANDY CANE!!! I WILL HAVE REVENGE!!! WATCH OUT LI'L BROTHER!!! I'M COMIN' FOR YOU!!!